Monday, March 28, 2011

How to Express Your Breast Milk by Hand

For many reason, you should express your breastmilk. It’s important for working mother who still consider in exclusive breastfeeding for their babies, or you should express your milk because your premature baby still difficult to suck directly. You can do by hand or by breastpump.

I have experience express my breastmilk by hand for my litle doughter. Thank God I have finished exclusive breastfeeding for my baby by expressing manualy my breastmilk when I worked. Don’t worry, It’s easy actualy. Expressing by hand is the cheapest way to do it, because you don't need to buy equipment. It does take a bit of getting used to. The trick is to put pressure on the milk ducts behind your nipple, rather than squeezing the nipple itself. It's a useful knack to have and can help you to relieve your breasts if they're too full. Follow the steps:

•Wash your hands before you start. thoroughly with soap and warm water, and gently massage your breast.
•Find a suitable wide-rimmed container for your milk, such as a jug. Either sterilise it in a steriliser or wash it well and scald it with boiling water.
•Sit comfortably, with your back straight.
•Place your little finger underneath your breast, against your ribs, and spread your other fingers slightly to support your breast. Your thumb needs to be on top, about 3cm or 4cm back from the base of your nipple.
•Adjust your fingers if you need to, so that your first finger and thumb are opposite each other, making a big C shape around your breast.
•Your milk comes from deep within your breast, so your finger and thumb need to be well away from your nipple. Place them towards the edge the darker skin surrounding your nipple (areola). If you have a large areola, you may need to bring your fingers inside it.
•Gently squeeze your thumb and first finger together, hold the squeeze for a count of three, and release, but keep your finger and thumb in the same position.
•Repeat the squeezing and releasing until you see drops of colostrum or breastmilk appearing at your nipple. Be patient, it may take a minute or two for milk to appear.
•When no more drops come out, move your fingers round and try a different section of your breast, and repeat.
•When the flow slows down, swap to the other breast. Keep changing breasts until the milk drips very slowly or stops altogether.
•If the milk doesn’t flow, try moving your fingers slightly towards the nipple or further away, or give the breast a gentle massage.
•Hold a sterilised feeding bottle or container below your breast to catch the milk as it flows

You also can see from Youtube video (hey,this is not me.I want to build,but so shy :) )

You can store breast milk in a sterilised container:
• in the fridge for up to five days at 4°C or lower
• for two weeks in the ice compartment of a fridge
• for up to six months in a freezer

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