Sunday, April 3, 2011

Treatment for Sore Niple

When I have breastfeed my baby at the first time, I almost give up with my sore niple. My niple is so pain, until bleeding! I cry and panic. I almost stop breastfeeding and try to give bottle milk. Thank God, I can stand and continue exclusive breastfeeding for my baby.
Actually you don’t get panic with this condition. Poor positioning and latch-on is the most common cause of nipple soreness in the early weeks of nursing. The most thing you can do is identify the type of pain and find some immediate pain relief. Here’s the most caused:

1. Nipple sensitivity.

Your nipples feel more sensitive or tender than usual. Some nipple sensitivity is normal in the beginning. The likely cause is your nipples just aren't used to this much stimulation.
What do to: Wait it out; it just takes time for your nipples to get used to nursing. In the meantime, using pure lanolin should help ease normal nipple While nipple sensitivity is normal, your nipple usually does not painfull anymore.

2. Cracked or bleeding nipples.

Sometimes sore niple will be continued to become ceacked and bleeding nipples. The likely cause: bad lacth suckle, bad positioning, thrush, problem with the breat pump, or baby bites.
Bad latch suckle : A baby's latch will affect the way a baby suckles. Common problems with latch include a baby who does not have enough of the breast in the mouth, subsequently sucking on the nipple as if sucking on a straw, or chomping and clamping down while trying to suckle. This kind of latch/suckling will be painful and also won't do a very good job of delivering milk.

Bad positioning. If the latch looks right but baby is not well-positioned, you could also end up with nipple pain because the baby's body relative to your body causes pulling or pinching on the breast or nipple.

Thrush:Thrush is another term for "yeast infection". It's usually caused by mom or baby having taken an antibiotic, which creates an imbalance of bacteria in the body. Help avoid this by taking probiotics whenever you or baby is on an antibiotic.

Breast pump problem. Many moms mistakenly believe that turning up the strength of the suction on a breast pump will get milk out faster. This is just not true and, in fact, stronger suction can create pain in the breast. Always start out with the lowest setting and gradually increase the suction setting, reducing the suction when it grows uncomfortable. Additionally, many moms don't realize that the part that fits over the breast, called the "breastshield," is not "one-size-fits-all". Using the wrong breastshield can cause friction to the nipples, which is painful.

What to do: Don't worry, it's safe to nurse the baby and/or give your breastfeeding baby pumped milk even when your nipples are bleeding.
In general, cracked or bleeding nipples may be relieved by:
a. Nurse frequently - at least every 2 hours. This will ensure that your baby does not become too hungry between feedings causing him to nurse ravenously and aggressively at your breast.
b.Moist wound healing, which includes pure lanolin and products such as "Soothies gel pads"
c.All-Purpose Nipple Ointment
d. Good-old breast milk, since it's a natural antibiotic. For this remedy, just express a little milk and let the nipples air-dry.

You can see the Youtube video below

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